Bright Blooms Bouquet
This beautiful bright bouquet is the perfect gift for someone special. These stunning bouquets feature a mix of cheerful, bight flowers and lush greenery. Your bouquet will be made with high quality flowers such as roses, lilies, carnations and chrysanthemums and it's sure to bring a smile to your loved one's face. Affordable and long-lasting, these flowers will bring joy and brighten up any space for a long time. Whether for a birthday, anniversary, or just to say 'I care', this bouquet is sure to be a hit.
Please see example photo for approximate size reference. Actual flowers may vary from photos depending on seasonal availability, but you're assured to get an absolutely gorgeous, good vibes bouquet.
To ensure the longevity of the flowers, each bouquet comes with a complementary sachet of flower food and will be professionally wrapped in two layers of high quality matte white cello. For maximum freshness on arrival, the stems of each bouquet will be wrapped with damp cloth and cello to minimise stress on the flowers.
Delivery date can be selected at the checkout. Flowers will be left at the door of the delivery location if the intended recipient is not available for the flower delivery.
Please see our FAQs for more information or feel free to contact us with any questions (link in footer). We hope you find the perfect flowers to show them just how much you care.